World News Single-screen theatres in various parts of Karnataka will pay respect to late actor Puneeth Rajkumar tomorrow at 6 PM 2022. A two minute silence will be oberseved in the memory of the late actor. According to a press release issued by the Karnataka Film Exhibitors’ Association, “In an event called Pushpanjali, Deepanjali, Kavyanjali and Baspanjali. Exhibitors and audiences will pay homage to Puneeth Rajkumar. Fondly known as Appu and Powerstar, Puneeth Rajkumar passed away on October 29 2022, due to heart attack. He was creamted in full state honour's at Kanteerava Studios along with parent memorial. Over 10 Lacs people from all over the Bengaluru and celebs from all industries paid their last respects to Puneeth. Actors, technicians and producers from the Sandalwood industry will gather together to bid final farewell to their loved kannad actor Puneeth Rajkumar. The untimely death of Puneeth Rajkumar on Friday morning has come as a shock for...